Brijesh (RID : g8qolgxi4ip3)

  • MERN Stack Developer
  • Ahmedabad, India


₹ 146,000 (Monthly)


4 Years



Work From



ReactJSNode.JSJavascriptCSS3BootstrapReduxTypeScriptMySQLMongoDBGit or SVNBitbucketSourceTreeJIRA


Professional Experience :

1. Project Name: Online Exam Portal Description: A Platform used for learning systems having exam sets with timer, user dashboard with score card, trial exams, subscribed exams. Admin Dashboard with Question Bank, Exam Category, Exams Details etc. Technology: ReactJS, NodeJS, Redux, MongoDB

2. Project Name: Customer Relationship Management Description: Create a CRM having features like device type detection, countdown timer, geolocation Authentication and session storage. Customer management system for construction sites, Toll Plaza etc. Technology: ReactJS, NodeJS, MySql

3. Project Name: Shows Booking Web Application Description: Created a platform where users can book their favorite shows from the given option as shows announced in their respective cities and can also request for events in their cities. Technology: ReactJS, NodeJS, MongoDB


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