Project 1 : Store for buying baby gifts
Project Description: This project is developed with an intention to provide an online store to the users who can buy gifts for children below the age of 5. My role in this project was to develop the customised extensions and themes.
Tools/Technologies: Magento 1.9, MySQL,
Duration: 8 Month
Project 2 : Portal for human rights awareness
Project Description: This project was developed to aware the users about the human rights that the Indian constitution. In this project I was the team lead and handled the client calls to understand their requirement and getting things developed accordingly. In this project the entire admin panel was developed by me.
Tools/Technologies : Magento 2, MySQL,
Duration: 7 Month
Project 3: Jewellery Store
Project Description: This is an online jewellery store where the client wanted to showcase and sell their jewellery designs online. This entire project was developed by me including the frontend and backend. I also handled the client communication and understood the client requirements in this project.
Tools/Technologies: Magento 2.3, MySQL, ,
Duration: 6 Month
Project 4: Fashion Clotheing Set
Project Description: This was a basic ecommerce website where the client wanted a site to take their business online to sell their clothing and fashion products online. This project was entirely developed by me including theme and extension customization, frontend, and backend.
Tools/Technologies: Magento 2, MySQL, ,
Duration: 9.5Month
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